Thursday, February 20, 2014

Plumbing Repairs and Sharkbite how easy is it?

Hello fellow home improvement project junkies! this week we will talk about plumbing leaks and how to repair them with several different options including: sweating copper pipe, gluing PVC and last but not least SHARKBITE! fittings are a product that takes the real work out of plumbing repair by taking the torch, solder, flux, and flame out of the process. How would you just like to sand the pipe slightly and simply connect the two pipes with very little effort? I am guessing you would and look at the selection of fittings below. Also you can connect Copper, PEX, Galvanized and PVC with themselves or interconnected using the same fittings. So get ready for a product that is more universal than any other product in the plumbing arena!   
So here is the video showing you all how easy this can be - a bit of folklore is that this system was developed by Cash Acme Corp. for use in submarines as a fast way of replacing or repairing pipes without the need for a torch.  


Now compare the SHARKBITE video with the video on sweating pipe below. Sweating pipe can be difficult and let's face it for some its dangerous and you may burn yourself or your house down if you aren't careful.


After those two videos you should be convinced that SHARKBITE is the way to go and that you can do this yourself. As always remember that you have resources out there to help - The internet is a great place to start. Remember when you have a question or want hands on training your local Home Depot is a great resource. As a manager at the Home Depot, I can assure you that we will take you through the steps and make sure you leave an expert! Please remember you will need a few tools to work on pipe - a pipe cutter for the appropriate material, wire brushes, sand paper and if you must go the route of sweating pipe due to building codes you need to check with your local hardware store or Big Box retailer for the materials list.

A few additional resources are found below so let me know if you need any further information or any help just comment or tweet me and I will get back to you right away!  

See how easy different materials go together:


  1. I didn't know Home Depot had DIY training?

  2. Hey Bruce!
    I have recently moved out of my parents house and am now living on my own! I've always felt that I am somewhat "Handy".... until I moved into my own place! I've learned so much about door handles/hinges, toilets, water softeners, electrical work - the list goes on! I will be checking back in on your blog for all of your helpful around the house tips!
    Great blog, Bruce!

  3. Hey Bruce,

    Great blog, i really am not a handy type of girl i am the person who call's someone to fix it for me, however your tips were still very helpful and i really enjoyed reading your blog! good job!!

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