Sunday, February 9, 2014

Messy Closet? What can be done?

Winter can be frustrating especially recently in the northeast part of the country! Record snowfall, temperatures and the “Polar Vortex” has wreaked havoc on our peaceful pleasant winter wonderland! So what can you do to pass the time and be constructive without requiring the help of a mental health professional? Tackle that mess in those closets and get organized! Does your closet resemble the cartoon version you see below?

Provided by

Get started by removing everything in the closet and starting fresh by “Painting” which we covered last week and we all agree is the simplest project anyone can handle. You will have already selected your closet organization materials to meet your requirements of taste and strength based upon your needs.

A bit of advice when selecting the manufacturer of product, be sure to look at the quality and ease of assembly. There are many retailers including Home Depot, IKEA, Lowes, and Menards who carry easy to assemble (sometimes) products for that quick get it done projects that guys like me enjoy, or the same companies offer online products with a wider selection to please. The above video shows a simple installation provided by the Home Depot. Remember you can also order closet cabinets just like kitchen cabinets which are already assembled and ready to install but this will require excellent measurements and four to six weeks for manufacturing. The results however may be better if you hire a professional since the assembled products are generally more difficult to handle.

The Rubbermaid interactive design video offers a bit more detail and technical aspects of the installation process and gives great tips and ideas for installation even if you use other products! These tools are also available in many apps on line and Home Depot offers design services at their website.

The end results can be seen below but remember his project starts with a healthy cleanup and purge of your closet. There are many charitable organizations like the Salvation Army and St Vincent DePaul who would love your donation to help those in need. So get started and let me know how things go!



  1. Good points on how to go about understanding the initial process, and were to go, Good Tips!

  2. Hello Bruce,
    I really enjoyed reading your post, you gave a lot of great tips, that i personally will be taking into consideration with re organizing my closet. Thank you for the tips
