Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ceramic Tile

Ceramic Tile

Do you think you can install ceramic tile? I know you can the attached photos represent 2 days work! That’s right the side entry to my home was vinyl tile and dated to the 1970s. I wish I had taken a before photo for you but unfortunately that didn’t happen. The reason for the 2 days was primarily for drying of the grout but you can accomplish this project with minimal effort. Yes it does require some tools however all the tools are available in both manual and power forms and for those of us who seem to get into the whole DIY mindset, we buy the tolls with the understanding that we will use them again. The cost of this project was $195.00 and included wonderboard, tile, grout, and sealer. I know you can all see the photo and notice the tile continues into the kitchen and great room and I will talk about that project at a later date. Questions anyone?  I know you will have a few! offers a wide selection of products and training and guess what if you walk into any store and find an associate they will teach you the basics in just a few minutes!  


  1. I love house projects, however so far I only know how to paint and put pictures on the walls.

  2. I once was a project rookie myself, but found that with the right encouragement and directions almost anything is possible!
