Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ice Dams!

If you want to be frustrated and angry Ice Dams can be that catalyst that is not just a nuisance but can cost thousands of dollars in repairs to not only your roof but the interior and exterior of your home. The video below explains how these pesky ice blocks form for those interested in the science. The best way to avoid this condition is to ensure that your roof has an Ice shield barrier which is applied prior to your shingles application. The barrier is a product which is like a 30” wide piece of black duct tape which seals the OSB or plywood to prevent ice and water from being drawn up into the attic underneath the shingles. Now I realize that unless you are about to re-roof your home, you may or may not have this barrier so make sure that if you tackle your new roof or a professional does the work that ice shield is on the parts list. Another preventative product which when applied prior to winter prevents Ice Dams is called the “Roof and Gutter De-icing Kit”. This product like the barrier must be applied prior to the weather but is essentially a heat tape system for the area where the ice forms and melts it prior to the dams’ formation. For all of us here in the Midwest and Northeast who are experiencing the recent  snowmageddon (made up word), which has given us temperatures in the below zero range then a thaw then back to very cold weather, must concentrate on control so I have a few suggestions for you. First, invest in a snow rake you can see it pictured here and it is available at of course The Home Depot and other retailers with a cost of about $46. Using this item to remove snow will maintain your roof by reducing the amount of snow which will develop into ice as the snow melts. Second to increase the flow of and melt away the ice use “ROOFMELT” a roof safe product to melt off the ice dam from the bottom up and can be safely thrown onto the roof from the ground. Whatever you do don’t use salt purchased for driveways and sidewalks unless you plan on using the ice shield product I mentioned as a preventive measure because you will be replacing your roof due to the damage over time. The key to preventing water damage is preventative and removal of snow when dealing with winter snow. A few other things to remember include the year round gutter maintenance with either gutter covers or the new gutter anti clogging devices to prevent blockage which also contributes to icing when left unchecked. So make sure you save money by using a few preventative and action measures to combat the dreaded ICE DAMS.

Anywhere from $50 - $80 depending on length
Safe to use on your roof $25

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ceramic Tile

Ceramic Tile

Do you think you can install ceramic tile? I know you can the attached photos represent 2 days work! That’s right the side entry to my home was vinyl tile and dated to the 1970s. I wish I had taken a before photo for you but unfortunately that didn’t happen. The reason for the 2 days was primarily for drying of the grout but you can accomplish this project with minimal effort. Yes it does require some tools however all the tools are available in both manual and power forms and for those of us who seem to get into the whole DIY mindset, we buy the tolls with the understanding that we will use them again. The cost of this project was $195.00 and included wonderboard, tile, grout, and sealer. I know you can all see the photo and notice the tile continues into the kitchen and great room and I will talk about that project at a later date. Questions anyone?  I know you will have a few! offers a wide selection of products and training and guess what if you walk into any store and find an associate they will teach you the basics in just a few minutes!